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The Content Experiment Podcast

Jun 28, 2021

You went into your business as a way to help and support other people. So many of the clients I work with have started their business from a personal passion, and a desire to make a positive change in peoples’ lives.

Today’s episode is different from any other episode I’ve done before. You may not recognize...

Jun 24, 2021

I know you think that mapping out content in your business is impossible because it’s so unpredictable. That may be the case for some of your content, but the truth is that having a plan for some of your content will open up so much space for the content that just pops up with no warning. And having a plan in place...

Jun 21, 2021

Instagram is an important part of a healthy online presence, but I miiiight have a few pet peeves when it comes to people posting Reels—only because it makes it really difficult for your audience to consume your message.

Today, we’re talking about Instagram with Monica Monfre—specifically Instagram Reels....

Jun 14, 2021

I have a confession. I have been avoiding Clubhouse like it’s the plague. I’ve been very anti-Clubhouse since it first came out because, let’s face it, the online space has seen its fair share of overly hyped platforms.

But things are changing a bit and that’s why I decided it was time to look more closely...

Jun 10, 2021

How would you like to have enough content created to take a vacation AND create it faster while staying completely inside your zones of genius? Does that sound too good to be true?

Well, if it does, you’re invited to keep listening in. I’m going to share with you the benefits of batching your content AND give you a...