Sep 30, 2019
Don’t believe those so-called gurus who tell you that you don’t need content to sell your products or services. Yes, you need content. No, you don’t need to publish content daily on every single platform.
What you need though is carefully curated content ideas that help you move further into your business’s...
Sep 23, 2019
Are you an expert in what you do? Are you willing to shout that from the rooftops? If you’re not totally sure, this episode is for you.
It’s time to get over the mindset that you’re not good enough and start showing up as an expert. Because you are. And when you shy away from speaking out about your expertise,...
Sep 16, 2019
Do you struggle with how to talk about what you do, both with friends and family and when you’re networking? You’re not alone! I’ve struggled with this too, and I know countless other business owners who never know what to say when someone asks what they do.
Thankfully, it doesn’t need to be a struggle--when...
Sep 12, 2019
We all have core values and beliefs as business owners, and likely many of them are similar across different businesses and industries. Today on the Stories in Small Business podcast, I’m sharing some of my own values and my core beliefs about content.
This episode rounds out my first four introductory episodes in...
Sep 12, 2019
Do you have a jerk in the back of your mind, telling you things that are holding you back--in life and in business? I do, too, and she can be pretty noisy sometimes.
On this episode of the Stories in Small Business podcast, I’m talking about what those negative thoughts are doing to our success and what you need to...